Global Gallery


Artist Biographies


JoSon (jo-shon) was born in the Philippines in 1970 to a Filipino-Chinese mother and an African- American father. At the age of nine he was sent to live with his mother’s side of the family in Vietnam (Ho Chi Mihn City) where he was educated in a Buddhist temple through most of his teen years. After spending a few summers in the United States, JoSon found himself in a new home in Lake Tahoe. Here he began a life behind the camera, which was influenced by his mother’s love of photography. He later moved to San Francisco where he received his Master of Fine Arts Degree in photo- illustration from the Academy of Art College. Today JoSon lives and works between New York and San Francisco.

Influenced by the world of botanical illustration in the 14th and 15th centuries, JoSon creates his images using a digital camera, a flatbed scanner, and computer software. Because of his techniques, the final artwork does not have the conventional look and feel of a photograph … it is more of a cross between an illustration and a photograph. In addition to using colors and forms to create a sense of harmony in the design of each flower image, JoSon shows the unique personalities and individual characteristics of his subjects that can surprise the viewer. He lends insight into the beauty and diversity of other life forms that share the planet.

JoSon’s work has appeared in books, calendars, greeting cards, as well as in media advertising. One of his images was recently selected, from an international call for entries, for the cover of the Graphis Photo Annual 2004. More than 250 photographs are reproduced in this outstanding collection of the best contemporary photographs from around the world.

His collectors recognize his botanical imagery for it’s elegant and brilliant color. His use of empty white spaces around the flowers creates a sense of mystery, balance, and provides a surreal treatment of form and space. His botanical images, which reveal the bold colors of nature, strange forms, and unique textures of flowers from backyards around the world, have become his signature. As he puts it, “I do not like to simply document my subject, but rather bring it to life in my photography… and Mother Nature has the best subjects to inspire my passion.”

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