Global Gallery


Artist Biographies

M. Louise

Originally from Virginia, Louise spent her life growing up in the South, the middle child of three daughters. She was always drawn to creative endeavors such as modeling play-doh, writing short stories, or drawing. Her younger sister and she would often have drawing contests and have their mother judge, leading to Louise's first taste of competition. Her mother's artistic talent is evident in the realistic landscapes she paints as a pastime. Louise was drawn to painting, but desired to be more creative than rendering a photograph realistically...she longed to show everyone what was inside her mind.

The young Louise excelled in art throughout school, winning poster contests and having her designs chosen for t-shirts, bookcovers, etc. All this was accomplished without much formal training. She pursued writing and photography, receiving a degree in Fine Arts and Journalism from the University of Georgia in the Spring of '92. But she soon realized her passion didn't lie in these areas and that she must search for her true dream.

After moving to Atlanta in '93 to figure out exactly what to do with her life, cosmically it hit her...she wanted to paint abstract paintings. Taking the place of her writing, painting would soon become more than just a creative outlet. She knew this is what she was searching for. I love the details...the subtle hints that life throws at us...if we paid more attention, it'd all be so easy. At this time she picked up a paintbrush and has remained diligent ever since.

In October 1994 Louise stumbled across a job at Deljou Art Group and began working as an artist assistant under Kamy. The 9 to 5 taught her the basics of painting and the daily discipline it takes to get the work done. After a couple of years she began developing her own style and showing in gallerires in Atlanta. I thank the stars that I love painting's hard work. Sometimes I get so involved that I forget to sleep. Then again, maybe that's how I get so much work done, sleeping the least amount possible.

Louise is now a freelance artist selling her abstract figures and landscapes. Her inspirations include Dr. Suess, Picasso, Dali, and all of her creative, talented friends. 'I just know it makes me happy to hear people say that my paintings make them feel happy is the greatest compliment ever.

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