Global Gallery


Artist Biographies

Edythe Kane

The words, Summer Jewels and Spring Bounty, conjure an image of pure and natural beauty found in flowers. Edythe's watercolors, appropriately titled, convey just that - floral arrangements blossoming in a multitude of color and light which she so convincingly creates. Recognized for her contemporary impressionistic style in both watercolors and oils, Edythe prides herself in her ability to execute and share her intimate emotions with the viewer of her work through her expressive paintings. Strong color and flowing pigments create a vitality that is significant of her work.

A member of an artistic family, Ms. Kane studied at the Arts Students League and The Silvermine School. A past president of the Aquarelle Society, she has dedicated much time and attention to educating others about her profession. She has taught watercolor and oil painting for more than twenty years. She has won numerous awards and has exhibited her works in galleries that stretch from New York City to the Netherlands. Ms. Kane resides in Westbury, New York with her family.

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